Previous page : Euler's number e
Next page : The Harmonic series

Power series is a powerful tool to calculate functions like sine and cos, and to be able to solve differential equations that we may not be able to solve in other ways + a lot more. So with no further ado:
- Power Series – an introduction
- Mclaurin series – a first take
- Taylor series
- Logarithms
- Integrating and differentiating a series
- Radius of convergence and interval of convergence
- Radius of convergence – another example
- Series – some general rules
- Some interesting examples based on the Fibonacci series
- Proof that ratios of Fibonacci successive numbers tend to the Golden ratio
- A second take on Taylor series
- Lagrange´s error term
- The exponential function again

Previous page : Euler's number e
Next page : The Harmonic series