Sine and cosine transforms

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Sine and cosine transforms

The idea behind this can be explained somewhat like this.  Say you want to examine how much of a sine wave of a particular frequency exists within some signal/function. What you can do is to multiply the signal with the sine wave in question. Let us say a component of the input is a sine wave at say 5 Hz, and say we look at the signal for a few whole periods.  If we multiply that with a sine wave at, say 7 Hz, the product will sometimes be positive and sometimes negative. The sum of the products will be 0. For the moment being I leave it up to you to prove this. In the image we can see a 5 Hz sine wave at the top, then a 7 Hz sine and cos wave, and at the bottom the respective products.

Now, if we test with a 5 Hz test signal, then the product will always be positive, and the sum will be non-zero.

The reason we need a sine, and a cos transform is to catch signals with different phases.

On the following page, you can explore the above.

  • You can move the slider at the bottom to change the test signals frequencies. You can move it with the mouse, or by touch or by using the arrow keys.
  • You can see the sine and cos test signals
  • You can see the respective products.
  • You can then see the corresponding sine and cosine transform show up as you move the slider.
  • Integer frequencies are indicated by dotted lines.
  • Discrete transforms are just done at the integer frequencies, or rather at integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.
  • You can change the input signal by the button at the bottom.

To the sine and cos transform demo

The input for a discrete sine and cos transform consists of a number, N, of equally spaced samples, say x0 to xn-1.

The discrete sine transform could be defined by

\displaystyle {{X}_{k}}=\sum\limits_{{n=0}}^{{N-1}}{{{{x}_{n}}\cdot \sin \left( {2\pi \frac{k}{N}n} \right)}}

Where Xk is the sum corresponding to the kth test signal. For the cosine transform you simply replace the sin by a cos.

For the (continuous) sine and cosine transform we replace the sum with an integral and the sequence with a continuous function.

\displaystyle X(k)=\int\limits_{a}^{b}{{f(t)\cdot }}\sin \left( {2\pi kt} \right)dt

For a non-periodic function, we replace the bounds with minus infinity to plus infinity.  For a periodic function we can, for example, put 0 to T or –T/2 to T/2 as our lower and upper bound.


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Next page : Fourier TransformsLast modified: Feb 19, 2025 @ 16:33