Previous page : First order linear differential equations
Next page : Using Taylor series to solve differential equations

Example 1
Let us solve
This is a separable equation, but let us first solve it as a linear differential equation. We have p(x)= –x so that gives us
Multiplying our equation by this, we will get
If we now do the variable substitution
We get
Multiplying away the first factor, we get
that is our final solution. Interestingly enough it is the same solution as we found to
but just shifted down one unit. As we can see we could write
so as mentioned it is separable. We get
and thus
and finally
just as expected.
Example 2
Let us take an old example and modify it slightly. If the slopes were directed out from the origin we had that
and that gave us solutions of the form
I.e. straight lines through the origin. Now let us change that a bit. Say we are subtracting or adding) a bit from the slope, and that what we subtract is proportional to the distance from the y-axis. Say we have
This can be written as
So it is a linear first-order equation with
This gives us
Multiplying through with this gives us
Integration now gives us
that gives us
This looks rather pleasing as a graph, with a few particular solutions.
As you can see all the solutions will be parabolas passing through the origin.
To find particular solutions passing through a particular point (x0,y0) we just substitute in those values into our solution to get
This gives us the particular solution
Link to Geogebra file on this.

Previous page : First order linear differential equations
Next page : Using Taylor series to solve differential equations